Book Your Travel Now

Book Your Travel Now

Book Your Travel Now

How many times have you said those words? It’s time to Go! Well, I second that! It is time to go. Let’s go somewhere, just to do something different! Travel and Adventure is a memory worth making, and the one thing No One can ever take from you!

Book Your Travel Now or Email Me

Girls Trips

Family Trips

Destination Trips

What Adventure Awaits

As an Independent Travel Advisor/Agent, my role is to listen to your desires for a trip/vacation or travel needs and to try and find the best deal available within the budge you stated, and the time frame you plan to go.

Adventure Possibilities

All Inclusive Resorts / Car Rental / Cruise / Church Retreats (Women/Men/Couples) / Destination Trip / Excursions

Family Vacation / Flights for any occasion / Hotel Booking / Romantic Trips / Vacation Packages

If I miss something, I sure I can get it done!


Just a fun fact….the website is pronounced Bye, like Goodbye but holding the “Y &I” Together with a high pitch tone. it should make You laugh!

The Experience: Adventure

Every time I have traveled, I look forward to the unexpected experience, that I plan to have. Every picture is one that I, or a family member has taken. Trust, now that I am promoting the very thing that I love, I will be traveling more. I would love to be a part of the reason your family has pictures from places around the world. Email: Ready 2 Go!

I have Traveled Solo and with a Group for over 55 years.

I can count on one hand how many states I have Not been too!

I’m Finaly at a place in my life where I can promote what I love to do!